Category Archives: Zines

DEFENDING THE ZAD, by Mauvaise Troupe Collective

“Something is flowering in the forest, fields and hedgerows, of the bocage of Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Nestled in a landscape that remains under threat by the building of a new airport, an experimental zone is proliferating, it’s called – La zad.

Since the victorious resistance to the 2012 wave of evictions, the zad has become a rallying cry, inspiring a multitude of other nodes of disobedience. The French government has announced that the riot police might return to the territory and the process of compulsory purchases has begun again. This text is an echo of this political adventure and passionately calls for us all to defend the zad.

La Mauvaise Troupe is an ever mutating collective that formed during the editing of the book Constellations: Revolutionary trajectories of the young 21st century, published by Eclat, in 2014. This spring the collective will publish their second work, on the similar and kindred stories of the zad of Notre-Dame-des-Landes in North Western France and the No-TAV resistance to the high speed train project in the Valley de Susa, norther Italy.”

Edited by l’éclat

Squatters Handbook – 14th edition

“This is the 14th edition of the Squatters Handbook, dated October 2016. Much has changed since the last one and we are still finding our way around soe of the issues, and we’ve tried to do things a bit differently. Your feedback and experience is very welcome to help produce future editions.

This edition is dedicated to the memory of Daniel Gauntlett, who died on the 25th February 2013 of hypothermia outside an empty building, having been spoken to by police about squatting. How many others have died on the streets when they could be using an otherwise empty property?

Advisory Service for Squatters (ASS) is an unpaid collective who have been running a daily advice service for squatters and other homeless people for over 40 years. Donations and volunteers always welcome.

This handbook is anti-copyright: it may only be reprinted in whole or part, credited to ASS, by non-profit organisations. Others must ask.

Much of the information is particular to England and Wales, and is biased toward London – and is based largely on our collective experience, so we are always grateful for feedback/criticism on this handbook or our advice.”

Published by Advisory Service for Squatters, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX